
Day Trips

We would like to recommend the following day trips:

Family Activities

See Family Activities on the website of the city of Heidelberg as well.

Leisure Activities in General

See Leisure Activities on the website of the city of Heidelberg and our page Sports as well.

The public transport offers a page with suggestions for leisure trips as well.

Bicycle Tours

For bicycle tours, tours to Schwetzingen, Ladenburg and Speyer are particularly suitable.

At the southern end of the Kranichweg, he comes across the "Heinrich-Menger-Weg", a walking path along which the "Kurpfalz-Route" runs from Heidelberg via Schwetzingen to Speyer.

There are also national cycle paths through Heidelberg, for example the "Odenwald-Madonnen-Weg" or the "Schwarzwald-Bodensee-Radweg" or the "Badische-Wein-Radweg".